Configuring CentOS 7

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The steps below are after you have done the initial setup. Assuming you did a minimal installation, didn't create a user, and didn't configure the network-interface and hostname during the setup-wizard.

Creating a user with admin-rights (sudo)

  • adduser <username> --> create a new user
  • passwd <username> --> set a password for the user
  • visudo --> to give the new user sudo-rights
 add <user> ALL=(ALL) ALL after root ALL=(ALL) ALL

Now you can log off and logon and continue as the new non-root user.

Setting a hostname and configure the network interface

  • nmtui --> configure network interface (make sure to set at least IP-address, gateway, DNS)
  • systemctl restart network --> restart the network with the new configuration
  • hostnamectl set-hostname <hostname> --> set hostname, make sure it's a FDQN
  • hostnamectl status --> check the hostname configuration

Update the system with latest security and software patches

  • yum update --> check for new version and updates the system when you accept the installation
  • reboot --> restart the system after installation

Securing SSH access

You can find this here: SSH key-based authentication